Invasive Plants and Insects

Minnesota invasive species are species that are not native to Minnesota and cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.  There are a number of species present in Minnesota at this time and they will vary from area to area.  For a comprehensive list, visit:

If you’re not sure if you have an invasive animal or plant on your property, a good preliminary resource on what may be ailing your trees and plants can be found on the UofM Extension website:  What’s wrong with my plant?

Our office doesn’t provide service to individual land-owners with concerns about invasive species.  If you are unsure on how to identify or treat an infestation on your property, always contact a professional.  Some species require special treatment and may be hazardous if mishandled.  It is ILLEGAL to transport noxious weeds, or potentially infested tools or materials  Northeastern MN Invasive Species Field Guide

An example of a project we are working on public land is our work on the Lester River.  Lester River is a designated trout stream of high quality, enjoyed by many local residents. In 2018 the district received a CPL grant (conservation partners legacy) from the Minnesota DNR to treat invasive plants that have been found along the river. The district is working in partnership with the DNR, the Duluth area Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA), and area residents.

For this project we are targeting woody shrubs, including European and glossy buckthorn, Asian bush honeysuckle, Siberian pea shrub, and Japanese barberry. We have also included a large section that has been taken over by Japanese tree lilacs.  Work includes removing invasive plants, and replanting with native species. Work has already begun, and will continue until spring 2021. Our work will be focused within the river corridor, and limited to specific sites where the DNR has legal access.